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Burmese Students Two-Day Nonviolent Action Workshop
6 pages
Outline of a workshop on nonviolent action focussing on the Burmese pro-democracy struggle.
Campaign Strategy Workshop
14 pages
Outline of workshop for a basic introduction to campaign strategy. Includes exercises.
Civil Disobedience
Classroom Teacher's Packet for the Course in Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence
156 pages
Packet of lessons for introducing students to nonviolence. Aimed at helping teachers mediate and help students communicate nonviolently. Includes case histories of peaceful conflict resolution.
Developing a Theory of Nonviolent Action
4 pages
Outline of the premises, levels, strategies, stages and issues of nonviolent action.
FIERCE LGBT Youth of Color Organizing Summit Workshop Curriculum
53 pages
Curriculum of exercises, activities, and lessons from the 2010 FIERCE Youth of Color Organizing Summit
Fossil Free Training Corps Divestment Organizer Diaries
68 pages
Collection of training workshops relating to fossil fuel divestment
Freedom From Corruption: A Curriculum for People Power Movements, Campaigns, and Civic Initiatives
From Theory to Practice: Upholding International Humanitarian Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
14 pages
Organizing records of a legal seminar on international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including invitation emails, schedules, and participant introductions. This four-day event gathered international humanitarian law experts, human rights practitioners, and Palestinian civil society representation in the OPT. The seminar is a follow up to the 1988 legal conference to create change to the fundamental legal framework. This comes 15 years later with a changed situation in the West Bank that accompanies settlement expansion and construction of the Annexation Wall. Speakers include William Shabas, Jonathan Kuttab, Raja Shehadeh, and Jamel Juma.
Introduction to Nonviolence
Non-Violence Training
Peace Must Be Won: A Study Guide on Violence
8 pages
Study guide written from a Christian lens designed to introduce aspects of violence to groups for discussion.
Planning Training Workshops
4 pages
Notes from a workshop on planning training workshops given by Lynne Shivers, June 13, 1987.
Questions for Affinity Groups
Shutting Things Down To Open Things Up
Sri Lanka Training Project
5 pages
Schedule and evaluation of a 3 day training for Peace Brigade International volunteers in Sri Lanka.
Strategy Game Training Worksheet
2 pages
Instructions for strategy games that simulate social change campaigns or conflicts
Teacher's Guide to the Alternatives to Violence Workbook
4 pages
Course comprised of 20 exercises that teach participants ways to solve problems without resorting to violence.
Toolbox: Skills-Sharing and Training
Training for Building Nonviolent Campaigns
Training Tools for Activism
Training Tools: Techniques for Participatory Learning
Training Workshop: Abalong Alliance, Nov 1977
34 pages
Outline of a training workshop organized by the Abalone Alliance.
Workshop: Nonviolent Direct Action Training for Women
Burmese Students Two-Day Nonviolent Action Workshop
Campaign Strategy Workshop
Civil Disobedience
Classroom Teacher's Packet for the Course in Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence
Developing a Theory of Nonviolent Action
FIERCE LGBT Youth of Color Organizing Summit Workshop Curriculum
Fossil Free Training Corps Divestment Organizer Diaries
Freedom From Corruption: A Curriculum for People Power Movements, Campaigns, and Civic Initiatives
From Theory to Practice: Upholding International Humanitarian Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Introduction to Nonviolence
Non-Violence Training
Peace Must Be Won: A Study Guide on Violence
Planning Training Workshops
Questions for Affinity Groups
Shutting Things Down To Open Things Up
Sri Lanka Training Project
Strategy Game Training Worksheet
Teacher's Guide to the Alternatives to Violence Workbook
Toolbox: Skills-Sharing and Training
Training for Building Nonviolent Campaigns
Training Tools for Activism
Training Tools: Techniques for Participatory Learning
Training Workshop: Abalong Alliance, Nov 1977
Workshop: Nonviolent Direct Action Training for Women