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Australian Nonviolence Network Introductory Nonviolence Workshop
Nonviolence Training Project: Trainers' Resource Manual
Campaign Strategy Workshop
14 pages
Outline of workshop for a basic introduction to campaign strategy. Includes exercises.
Nonviolence: An Introduction
Problems with Nonviolence Training
Nonviolence Today, No. 56, 1997
Nonviolence: An Introduction
Some Collected Thoughts on Nonviolence
11 pages
Melbourne Nonviolence Training Collective’s vision on active nonviolence depends on empowered human beings who can confront systematic oppression, build alternatives to such systems, and reach satisfaction in their own personal lives. Training is part of building that vision, as is nonviolent direct action, community and the building of alternative economic institutions. Training is not a one-way process. MNTC asserts that “we are not either students at one time or teachers at another, but are always both. We are all constantly unlearning old ways and learning new ways of feeling good about ourselves, relating to others and functioning in the world.” A constant sharing of knowledge and information. MNTC’s information kit provides insight into various aspects of nonviolent resistance for that exact reason.
Power and Empowerment
The Cooperative Power of Nonviolence
Australian Nonviolence Network Introductory Nonviolence Workshop
Nonviolence Training Project: Trainers' Resource Manual
Campaign Strategy Workshop
Nonviolence: An Introduction
Problems with Nonviolence Training
Nonviolence Today, No. 56, 1997
Nonviolence: An Introduction
Some Collected Thoughts on Nonviolence
Power and Empowerment
The Cooperative Power of Nonviolence